Voronoi Clinic, BllendDesign & Research Office, Helen Brasinika & Associates

In the heart of Athens, Syntagma square in an emblematic building of the 1960’s, Bllend an international and multidisciplinary Design & Research Office has created the architectural identity of a new brand in the field of Cosmetic Dermatology. The customer defined the desired outcome as promoting the scientific aspect of wellbeing without emitting the dominant typologies of clinical environments.

The creative challenge was to develop a powerful clinical identity that could be easily adapted to different scales, layouts and vicinities the smallest in the range being 50 sq meters. The project featured in the article is only 50sq meters, which posed an extra difficulty factor to designing an interior that would be ergonomic in terms of the clinics’ daily routines and workflow, meet the entrepreneurs’ revenue demands, while maximizing the satisfaction of the end‐user.

Moreover, the brand had to establish a strong presence in the medical community without following the typical elements of the dominating clinical lighting design especially in Greek context. The design concept starts from the human cell as the reference point, while the main inspiration in order to imply cellular structure and reconstruction from a scientific point of view came from Voronoi diagrams, a mathematical way of dividing space into a number of regions called Voronoi cells.

Taking into account the strong contextual impact every project involves, Bllend considers informed research design to be a powerful tool in the construction of architectural identities in line with the motto, WE ARE MORE THAN THE SUM OF OUR PARTS, SO IS OUR ENVIRONMENT. This implies an organic bonding among all the parts constituting our environment, build or natural. All these parts, including Humans which on a human centred design are the focus, exist as autonomous entities but they are approached as living organisms that cannot exist or evolve detached from the other.



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