Enterprise Insurance, Δολιχός Μελετητική

The rapidly developing insurance company «ENTERPRISE INSURANCE», seeking to improve the working conditions of its partners, and to provide a comfortable and modern environment to its customers, reflecting the companies objectives and the corporate identity, chose to transfer its offices in a building that would meet the above parameters.


The aim was to transform an existing office building that served previously public services and was recognizable as such by the general public, in a modern office building that brings the features that were specified by the company.To achieve the objectives of the study, and based on the building schedule, the ground floor was redesigned separating the waiting area from the workspaces and its functional integration with the first floor. This was implemented by constructing a pear shaped wall on which a metal cantilever staircase was mounted. The waiting area was enhanced with the creation of a wall-puzzle, which tells the insurance history from ancient times until today.


Finally, the suspension of linear vertical lighting from the ceiling reduced the sense of vast high-ceilinged rooms without interrupting the visual continuity with the waiting area.

Enterprise Insurance, Δολιχός Μελετητική



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