Sails, Agnes Couvelas - Panagiotatou

The project called for the transformation of an existing warehouse into a five-storey office building with a single retail store on the ground floor. Sustainability was at the core of the project; both the bearing concrete structure and the building envelope were totally re-structured to address such issues as well as building regulations for the new use. The design cut a void through the existing building to allow for natural daylight to penetrate its core and create space for a second staircase.


Geothermal energy for heating and cooling was provided, while natural ventilation and light were enhanced.Each of the facades has been specifically retrofitted to address its solar orientation. Externally-mounted custom-made shades protect the interiors from overheating and glare, their shape alluding to the sails that once dominated the nearby port of Piraeus. These devices serve several additional purposes: they visually impair traffic, mitigate noise along the southern artery and trap the fresher north-eastern summer breeze improving interior air quality. Part of the southern elevation is recessed behind the cut-off area and the new open-air see-through staircase.The colour scheme is restrained to natural wood and metal nuances, while the strong expression of the shades gives an imposing presence on the main road.

Sails, Agnes Couvelas - Panagiotatou



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